Thank you for checking out my blog!
My name is Becca and i’m a Wife, Mother, Operations Manager, Hypnobirthing instructor,and most recently added to the list – PREGNANT!
I’ve decided to write this blog to share my experiences during my pregnancy, and how I navigate (wing!) my way through balancing work, life, motherhood (the Terrible twos have hit us!) around an ever growing bump and the antenatal appointments etc that come along with it.
Through my work as a Hypnobirthing Instructor with The Positive Hypnobirthing Company I’m lucky enough to connect with lots of fellow Mums & Mums to be. It often strikes me how the common theme is that pregnancy and motherhood can feel quite lonely; often despite that fact that you are surrounded by people.
Both of these stages in life can find us feeling vulnerable through a number of factors such as lack of sleep, facing new and unfamiliar situations and let’s not forget – The hormones! I really hope that by sharing some of my experiences you will be able to relate to some of them and maybe realise that we are all in this rather rocky boat together, and frankly winging our way to the end of each day by the skin of our teeth!
I’m currently writing this blog already 17 weeks through my pregnancy so have a bit of catching up to do. I’m going to be writing some blogs to cover my previous pregnancy and birth and then do a bit of a round up so far of this one. I’ll try to break it down into separate posts so you can skip to the bits you choose, rather than there being one super loooong post!
If you have any questions or comments at all, i’d love to hear from you
Becca x